Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Women and Sports

I think any sport can be played by women. I just think that women should play sports with other women, but if they think they can handle playing with men I think we should let them, but men are supposed to be naturally stronger than women in my humble opinion.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Middle Ages vs. Renaissance

The middle ages believe more in spiritual being. They believe in God, while the renaissance were more science and logical. The renaissance were more for human ability. The renaissance went off of new thought and inventions, they were also explores of new life. The middle ages were more for valor and honor. They also believe in wizardry. The social classes in both societies were restricted in certain living.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Family is important to me because I know they support positive things I do. Similar to that, they don't support the negative. Sometimes my family does things I don't like , but I still love them with all my heart. My family is the most important thing in my life.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Typical schoolday

A typical school day for me is waking up at 5:30am and brushing my teeth. Next putting on my clothes and leaving the house at 6:30am. First period is probaly my favorite class of the day. Second period is my second favorite class of the day. Then I have to go to third period which is math and I really don't like it there.Its the same thing everyday.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I'm from Sarasota,fl and there is a lot of crime in some places and in some places there is no crime at all. Most of the crimes being commited are in impoverished communities. In other words in our lower social classed areas. Where ever crimes are being committed they are wrong.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Research Topic

Three things I would like to research are Ford Mustangs, where certain kinds of music originated, and what the first cameras was like.

Lord Of The Flies

Ralph-The boy who is elected leader of the group of boys on the island. I would say that he is a leader because he wanted to build a little town until they were rescued. I think he is the smartest of the bunch.

Jack- I think he is the aggresive one. Jack becomes the leader of the hunters but he wants to be in control. I think he will be a problem in later parts of the story.

Simon- The shy boy in the group. Simon, is the only good person on the Island because he helps all the younger boys and he helps the civilization.

The theme showing the way humanity is. The only thing that keeps us structured is our government. If we didn't have these things that kept us structured we all would kill each other. Structucter is what keeps us alive.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is favorite movies because it shows so mamny aspects of life. One thing that really stood out to me was the fact that parents really are very protective over their kids. It's always a time when they just have to let us grow up.